Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Up coming timeline

Thanks to all those who came out to our 100% Party and shared in our praise to God for His amazing work in our lives and in bringing together our support team.  We even had a few pieces of dessert left over for our enjoyment today.

With support raising finished we can shift into the packing and planning phase.  Many have asked us when our departure is and what our time line looks like, so here is what we know so far.

April 27 - we leave Forest and drive to Nampa, Idaho to the MAF Headquarters.  A 30hr drive straight but we plan to break it up and see a few things along the way.


During our time there we will be living at the MAF Headquarters in a fully furnished apartment which is great, so we will not need to haul all of our household things across the country with us. 

In Nampa we will be participating in a number of different sessions. 
May 1 - 14  Nathan and I will be taking part in the MAF US orientation course which is designed to help us live cross culturally.  Part of this also includes an Inside Out Safety course and a Marriage seminar weekend.  Child care is provided for the girls during our sessions and the oldest 3 will be attending a few of their own sessions to help them also prepare for living in Africa.
Beginning May 22 and through to July 9, Nathan will be doing his standardization training where he will be learning the ins and outs of the specific aircraft that he will be working on for the DRC.  As far as I know there are no requirements for me and the girls during this time, so we will be hanging out and hopefully able to find a few things to do in the area.

 July 13-24 –will be Candidacy with MAF US for Nathan and I.  Some aspects will be similar to that which we did in Guelph prior to our support raising and we may be able to sit out on those sessions while other sessions will be designed to bring us up to speed on the MAF US’s processes and procedures. 
July 27 – 29  will be our security training course.

 July 30 - we begin the drive back to Forest at a quicker pace, but still not driving the 30hrs straight.

Aug 2 - Aug 10 - final preparations, packing and good byes

Aug 11 -  depart for Uganda

Aug 12  - arrive in Uganda ready to begin the next part of the adventure.


As I write this it seems like a whirlwind of an adventure for the next 4 months, but there is excitement in the air as we work through the packing and also make plans for schooling and housing in Kampala.   The girls are doing so well at purging their belongs and talk excitedly about their new school and friends they will make.  We thank God for His continued work in their hearts as they prepare for this big change. 

We will continue to keep you posted on our preparations and what life will look like for us in Kampala, but for now, I need to return to my "to do" list and fill more boxes for my give away pile :-)