Friday, August 28, 2015

Back to School and Routine

As we settle in, routine has begun.

 Nathan began working fulltime at the hanger this past Monday....
..... and the girls are about to finish their second full week of school.

School was a big change for them and added to all the new things of moving to a different country, it was a lot to take in.  For Hannah and Jasmine it was the set up of Middle School that caught them a little off guard, as they now change classrooms for each subject.  It is not a big campus, but following along on the schedule to be sure to be at the right class was a little stressful the first few days.  They have the schedule figured out now, but are still working at balancing homework and fun.  Hannah has joined the soccer team and is quite excited to be playing along side her new friends.  Jasmine is enjoying the new challenges and particularly likes the freedom of being released from class with out having to line up.

Aliyah has jumped right in and gotten to know some of the girls in her class and is just generally loving school.  For her everything is very similar to her old school so it was mainly making new friends and meeting the new teachers.  A highlight for Aliyah has been going to a near by resort pool for swimming lessons every Tuesday as part of her Physical Education class. 

For Lauren everything was new, as this is her first time going to school.  She enjoys the activities and is slowly making friends, but she is also missing her time with Mom.  She tells me most mornings that she is not going to school today because she is going to stay home and bake with me.  I simply tell her she has to go to school and she can bake with me when she gets home.  As she make new friends I am sure being away from home will be less of a struggle for her and she will see that we still do things together.
The start of school also began a new phase for me, as it is the first time I have had no kids at home during the day.  I do miss having Lauren around as my little helper, but it has given me a chance to do the unpacking, keep up with the baking demand for lunches and figure out a house cleaning routine.  Although, the highlight for me has been the routine of doing my Bible Study each morning.  After I get back from driving the girls to school, I can throw in a load of laundry and do my study while I wait to hang it up.  Then I jump into the cleaning and baking or head out to the grocery store to do some shopping.  It has been refreshing and is definitely an added bonus to the new phase of all kids in school.
We have been on a huge learning curve these past 2 weeks and at times it has felt overwhelming.  But it has also been a time of leaning on God for strength when we are worn and tired and realizing anew that His strength is perfect when our strength is gone.  We have been blessed with an amazing MAF team here, who have been so caring and helpful, and have been there when we needed questions answered or just to chat. We are so thankful to be a part of them.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

We are Here!!!!!

Day 3 here in Uganda and we are slowly feeling more at home. 

Our flights here were uneventful and we thank all of you who prayed us through the long trip.  The girls travelled very well with some sleep and a few movies to pass the time.  We arrived at Entebbe airport very late but went through visas and customs without a problem.  Praising God for His provision after a long 18 hours of travel. 

Our apartment here is very nice and we were welcomed with a table full of thoughtful gifts from the other families here. 


Although our shipment has not arrived yet, we are well taken care of.  The hospitality team has fully furnished our home complete with towels in the bathrooms, beds made up and kitchen cupboards full of everything we need to make our own meals.  Although we are being treated to dinner at some of the other MAF family homes, we are able to do breakfast and lunch here.
The sounds and smells take some getting used to, but it is nothing too crazy.  We seem to have a number of dogs in the neighbourhood who choose to bark all night.  I’m hoping that once we get into a better sleeping pattern, we won’t hear them as much J

So far we have visited the MAF office, exchanged money to Uganda shillings at a trusted local bank/ATM, visited the girls school, driven over many speed bumps and dusty road, ate lunch from a street vendor that many of the MAF staff go to for a Rolex, (a deep fried flat bread and fried egg, rolled up together) and have gotten to meet many wonderful people who are here serving.

How are we feeling?
Tired from travel and being in a different time zone, but slowly getting into a good sleep cycle
Grateful for God’s many provisions over the past week.

Lost as we try get our bearings as our hosts take us to the different places we need to be.
Thankful for the many people who have welcomed us and made us feel at home, and for those who have prayed us through the last week.

Cautious about drinking the tap water on accident or forgetting to put the mosquito net down when going to bed.
Excited for what is to come and how God is going to grow us in our walk with Him.

Taken after the girls had finished their assessments at Heritage International School
They will begin classes their on Monday, Aug 17th.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Less than a month until Take Off

In less than a our family will be loading on a plane and heading to Kampala, Uganda to serve with the East DRC MAF program. 
We are going to be living here!
We have packed our shipment and suitcases and are finishing up last minute details.
With only 10 days in Ontario before we fly out, we have been trying to get in as much time with family and friends as we can and it still seems too short.
The girls with their Great Grandparents and Aunt Esther

Fun camping trip with a great bunch of friends

Lots of fun with cousins

More cousin time

Celebrating Grandma's Birthday.
It is hard to believe that this time next week we will be unpacking in our apartment in Kampala, and beginning the next step of the journey.  Open to the wonderful people of Africa and what God has in store for us to learn.  We appreciate your prayers as we travel first on Tuesday night flying out of Toronto at 9:40pm with a full 24 hours of travel ahead.  Pray for restful flights and smooth processing through customs in Uganda.  It will be late and we will be very worn out from travel.  We ask also that you pray for the girls as we meet with the school on Friday, Aug 14, for their assessments and introductions to the school.  That they will be able to think clearly even though they will be jet legged.
Again, we can't say enough how thankful we are for each on of you that are part of this journey with us.  God has done many things in our lives over the past months and we look forward to the steps ahead and how we will grow in our walk with Him.