Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How was the Summer?

It was a summer of fun, friends and ministry.  As school let out back in June we prayed that even though many of our friends were going to be away, that it would be a good summer.  We also prayed that God would grant us opportunities be involved with the people and specifically areas for our kids to serve.  We are so thankful for the way God orchestrated the summer.

There were two day camps held at our school that the girls were able to attend, and from this Hannah was invited to be a part of the team that was leading these camps.  She loved this, as the first camp was drama and singing and the second was helping lead a small group of kids.  This involvement grew to the team inviting her to join them for more of the ministries they were doing in Uganda.  So I became the mom who was sending my grade 9 daughter on a missions trip.  Never thought of that happening while were are already on the mission field, but she had an amazing time and we were so thankful that God saw fit to give her this area to serve in.

Can you spot Hannah?  She is top left.  This is the group while they were at a school and church out in one of the the villages outside Kampala.

We also spent a day each week playing with the kids as the babies home.  It was again, neat to see the girls as the loved these little ones, and even Lauren as she played and the little boys followed her example.

We also tried to do some of the fun things that we usually enjoy in the summer, like swimming, campfires and friends over.

We are now back into the full swing of early mornings, homework, and after school clubs and sports.  We are thankful for the summer and the time we were able to spend with friends and also the opportunities that came our way to serve.  We pray that even in this busy time and regular routine that we will be open to reaching out to the people that God places in our path in the day to day.