Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Upcoming Elections: A Call to pray

When living here in Uganda it is impossible to avoid the fact that elections are fast approaching.  Each day more posters are put up using any available space; walls, poles, store fronts, vehicles, even hanging from overhead wires.  Election day is Thursday, February 18 and although it is anticipated to be mostly peaceful, it is never a guarantee.  Some Ugandans that we have chatted with believe that the opposing party will get the most votes, but will not be declared the winner, which could cause upsets.  This is a presidential election with the addition of council members for each region.

So we are asking you to pray with us, both during the election day and the days following as the results go out, that peace would remain and that those in leadership would take their win or loss with grace.  We know that God is in control of all things and we can rest in that.

 We will be staying close to home during these days and the girls will be off of school both on the 18 and 19 and then it will be monitored if more days are needed depending on reactions of the results.  Please know that we are very safe here on our compound and this side of the city is pretty quiet.  We will try to keep you updated on how things go.

Thank you for joining us in praying, for the leadership of this country and for the Ugandan people, as they seek to grow as a nation and desire the best for their country.