Checking out the MAF office and work at the hanger..
Playing with the kids at the Babies home.
Helping out at a jigger removal clinic in a village across the lake.
Washing their feet
Carrying them over to the bench where the jiggers were being removed
Painting toe nails.
And blowing bubbles with the kids
We were also able to take a little vacation to see Murchison National Park and some of God's wonderful creatures up close. It was amazing.
The power of the falls was incredible and we were able to stand still long enough to get a picture without swatting the tsetse flies.
We took a drive down to the equator as well because when you live only 75km away, you've just got to take visitors there too.
Family celebrations are something that we miss out on when we are living overseas, so we planned a family birthday party, complete with decorations and homemade corn dogs.
It was a great 3 weeks and we are so thankful that they were able to come and experience life here. I think we scared them a bit with the driving and traffic though.
With the rest of the summer ahead of us we see it coming in two different ways. With many of our friends away on furlough, it will be pretty quiet and days could get long for the girls just at home. But we are also looking forward to the fact that we will have more time to spend serving with different ministries. The girls have already come along with me to the babies home and had fun playing with the kids, so we are praying that more opportunities will come our way to be able to use our summer days for God's glory and to encourage others.