As I started my day, I prayed,
"Lord, help me to see the people and not just my to-do list".
I got started on the laundry, washed the dishes, and headed out to the market, butcher and grocery store. I was feeling very accomplished as I unlocked my van and readied myself to climb in. I had got most things checked off my list and was going to head home.
Then came the call, " Madame, Madame, would you like to buy a bicycle man? "
My first thought is, no, I don't need it, I don't have time and I just want to go home.
"Please, Madame, I give you a good price"
Then I stopped. Here was a person, God had placed in my path today. Was I going to slow down and see the people and listen?
The young man, continued to explain, that he is making these simple toys to support a youth centre down the road.
I bought one. Not because I needed it, but because I needed the reminder that God is hearing and answering my prayers. And I need to be listening and watching for His answers.
I needed to be reminded that my day is not just my to-do list, but it is people and relationships, and sharing His love.