Friday, January 10, 2014

Not a whole lot has changed since my last post, we've had a couple more co-pilot coffees which were very encouraging. However, there are a few things that I wanted to post about that are up-coming sometime in the not too distant future.
     First we are going to begin an online campaign that will hopefully bring in more supporters with whom our most common connection is online (facebook mostly).  We're still trying to come up with a catchy name for this campaign, any suggestions are welcome.
     Secondly, we are planning a larger than normal co-pilot coffee designed to catch  anyone within our local Church (Forest Baptist) that may be interested in our journey and what we're doing, with whom we haven't been able to connect with personally yet. Sarah and I are most comfortable with the smaller (8-10ish people), but we REALLY want to make sure that NO ONE feels overlooked or missed. So we have decided to hold this larger coffee night in a larger venue.... the fellowship hall at Forest Baptist. Here we hope that ALL feel welcome and can come and get excited with us about what God is doing with MAF.
     Thirdly, we are in the planning stages of doing a community wide (Forest area) event. A more formal dessert night actually put on by MAF (date yet to be determined, end of March Break?). For this we hope to contact other local Churches, put an ad in the local paper, posters in shops, etc. So if you're in the Forest area, keep a lookout for these notices, spread the word, and please attend if you can. If you're reading this and you're not from the Forest area, we are always itching to meet with others in other communities.... yes we'll come to you! MAF is up to some exciting things, we're excited to be a part of it.... we're looking for others to get excited with us.

     And THAT is what is on our minds for the near future. Till our next post... Nathan and Family out.

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