Thursday, March 20, 2014

MAF Multiplies the Effectiveness of over 1500 organizations . 

As we began our ministry with MAF only 3 short months ago, we had a fairly good knowledge of the work they did around the globe. But as we research ministry stories for our newsletters and for sharing with the small groups that we have met, we continue to learn more of the big picture and what MAF is a part of. We knew that MAF partners with over 1500 organizations and that's a big deal. But what are those organizations and how do we enable them to do their task. The Halo Trust is one of them. The work of The Halo Trust is incredible as they decommission land mines in countries like Angola that have been hurt by years of civil war.  Mission Aviation Fellowship partners with The Halo Trust in Angola to safely bring their workers and supplies to and from the land mine areas.  

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