Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ottawa trip Highlights

So after a week of vacation following our ministry trip to the Ottawa area, we are back to routine, well some what.  It is still summer so routine doesn't quite happen yet.  We had reported on Facebook during our time in Ottawa,  a little about how it went but wanted to be sure to share  some of the highlights on here as well, for those not on Facebook.
We were so thankful to be able to spend the week at Sarah's Aunt and Uncles.  The girls loved playing with their kittens and helping with the chores.  Thanks for your hospitality.
( A quick picture before we departed with those who were home that morning.
Aunt Nancy, Elisabeth and Gabrielle standing with our girls)
This trip was a little different than our trip north, with fewer events planned.   We had planned the trip in this time frame because we wanted to do it during the summer when the girls were out of school and could enjoy it with us, but what we didn't think about, was how everyone else is also on vacation.  So as much as we would have liked to have had a full week of ministry events planned, we were blessed by the 2 that we did have.

The congregation at Russell Reformed Presbyterian was very welcoming and we had some great conversations about the work of MAF and our ministry with them.  We were blessed by their giving and encouraged by their stories, of God at work and His faithfulness in all situations.   Now a very neat thing about this church is that they were holding their VBS a week after our visit.  After hearing our presentation on the Sunday, they decided to have us as their mission project and share about MAF and our calling to serve with the kids at their VBS.  How cool is that.

Our second event was at our friends house with their small group and again because it was summer, they had taken a break from their regular weekly meetings but invited everyone to come over to hear our story and ministry.  It was a small group but a great one non the less.  We were blessed to meet a great couple and also hear about the mission work that is happening in their church. 

A week in Ottawa would not be complete with out a visit to some of the museums in our nations capitol.  So we made sure to take in the sights of the Museum of Civilization and the Museum of Science and Technology.  The girls loved the hands on displays and the great Children's Museum that is part of the Civilization museum.
(Lauren taking Hannah for a motorbike ride. Not sure Hannah thinks it's a good idea)
(From the Quebec side of the river with the Parliament Buildings in the background)

So as we look back at the week, we can see that even though it didn't come together like we had first planned out, with a full slate of ministry events, it was still just the way God intended it to be.  Meeting the people that He wanted us to meet and growing us personally as we trust Him in all things.  Thank you for your prayers as we travelled and shared about the ministry of MAF.  Maybe it will be your town that we visit next. :-)

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