"WHEN are you moving?"
We would love to answer that and say, next week, but that can't quite happen. Before we can move to Africa and be a part of the MAF's ministry to the DRC people, we need to have our full support raised. That means 100% of the monthly amount it takes for a family to live overseas, needs provided. We are so grateful for each of you that have partnered with us on a monthly or yearly basis. It is so incredible to see God at work and hear how He has lead people to give and be a part of our ministry with MAF.
We are currently at 61% and would love to be on our way to Africa early 2015. At this point that seems impossible to us. To raise 39% in 3 months!!!!! We have just about maxed out our contact base, approached as many churches as we could think of in our area and beyond, and appealed to everybody we know. Yet this is not impossible for God. He takes our limitations and makes it an opportunity for us to see His power and His hand at work in our lives and the people that He is working in to be a part of this ministry with us. He has seen fit for us to be in this process of seeking out ministry partners, for just over 10 months now. He has seen fit to use this time to continue to teach us to rely on Him, to grow as a family and to slowly prepare our family for the transitions ahead. He has stretched us and been our strength as we presented and stepped out of our comfort zone and met so many wonderful people who share the same heart for missions and are part of the sending force behind not only us, but other missionaries as well.
So how can you help?
We want to invite you again to consider being a part of reaching the people of the DRC with help and the hope of the Gospel by partnering with us in our MAF ministry. We are looking for 40 people who can give $75 a monthly. Each $75 gift moves us one percent closer towards our full funding. Maybe you are feeling led to give a portion of that, and that is great. We are so grateful for each gift and know that God has provided it and He speaks to each of us individually.
You can also help by passing on our story to your church or missions committee. Asking that they consider having us come and share about the work of MAF and our upcoming ministry to the Congolese people. We love to share how God has worked in our lives, even as teens, and began to prepare us for this ministry with MAF. You can also host a small group in your home. Gather some friends and invite us to come and share about MAF's ministry around the world.
So as we press on to the FINAL 40, prayerfully consider being a part of this ministry with us. Your gift enables us to go and serve the people in DRC, bringing support to the Congolese churches as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel of Christ.
Nothing is impossible for God but all things are an opportunity for Him to show us His power and our need to rely on Him.
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